Kon-Boot For Windows & MacOSX Yosemite V2.4.0

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In this technological era computer plays an essential role in human life. Many applications are being developed daily to support and ease our work. As technology is growing at very fast speed, these applications also need modification time to time to make it up to date. This is reason why many new versions of applications are being launched. When any application comes with new feature then old version becomes useless. Same is the case with Mac applications too. Sometimes many applications such as Kon-Boot for Windows & MacOSX Yosemite 2.4.0 get corrupted due to some unexpected reasons or there can be some applications which you have downloaded but never used. Then such outdated, corrupted or useless applications like Kon-Boot for Windows & MacOSX Yosemite 2.4.0 and others need to be removed to free your hard disk space.
Usually removal of any application is an easy process in Mac but application like Kon-Boot for Windows & MacOSX Yosemite 2.4.0 creates preferences and support files which remains even after you remove Kon-Boot for Windows & MacOSX Yosemite 2.4.0 application. These related Kon-Boot for Windows & MacOSX Yosemite 2.4.0 app files captures unnecessary space in your hard disk and sometimes start giving unwanted errors. Therefore it is required to uninstall Kon-Boot for Windows & MacOSX Yosemite 2.4.0 application with all its related files and extensions.

There are two processes to uninstall Kon-Boot for Windows & MacOSX Yosemite 2.4.0 application on Mac completely-Windows
  • Uninstall Kon-Boot for Windows & MacOSX Yosemite 2.4.0 Mac applications manually
  • Using automatic Mac Uninstaller tool

Manual Uninstallation of Kon-Boot for Windows & MacOSX Yosemite 2.4.0 Application on Mac

To remove Kon-Boot for Windows & MacOSX Yosemite 2.4.0 application from Mac completely using manual steps you need to have knowledge of all the components and file of the application which you want to remove and you should be well aware about system files and extensions. Otherwise it can be risky if you do not have complete idea of the kernel extensions and by mistake if you will delete any files then it can make your system unusable. So it is advised that use the given manual steps to uninstall Kon-Boot for Windows & MacOSX Yosemite 2.4.0 only when you have full knowledge of your Mac system files.

Steps for manual Uninstallation of Kon-Boot for Windows & MacOSX Yosemite 2.4.0 from Mac

Move Kon-Boot for Windows & MacOSX Yosemite 2.4.0 application to Trash and then delete it

First of all you need to move your application to “Trash” and this can be done as follows:
Log in using administrative account--> Click Finder icon in your dock--> Select “Applications in left pane” nad choose the application which you want to remove then Drag the program to “Trash” icon that is present in your dock. After that delete the item from trashcan too.
Step 2:
Removing Preferences and Kon-Boot for Windows & MacOSX Yosemite 2.4.0 application support files

Now you have to delete all the related files present in preferencespane and application support files folder. These files are present in two of the libraries- Library in Top level of hard disk and Library in Home Folder. You need to remove all the related files from both of the libraries.
Step 3:
Delete hidden files and kernel extensions associated with Kon-Boot for Windows & MacOSX Yosemite 2.4.0 program

This is the most critical step of the manual uninstallation and one wrong step can be very risky so delete those files only which you are confirmed that it is related to the application which you want to remove. And for safety keep a copy of the file before deleting it. Hidden files start with (.) period in its name. These extensions and hidden files are present in the library and home folder.

Uninstallation of Mac Kon-Boot for Windows & MacOSX Yosemite 2.4.0 application using Automatic Uninstaller Tool

To avoid the risk of manual steps it is strongly recommended to use automatic process of uninstalling Mac Kon-Boot for Windows & MacOSX Yosemite 2.4.0 application and the best option is automatic Mac Uninstaller tool which is most efficient tool to uninstall Kon-Boot for Windows & MacOSX Yosemite 2.4.0 mac application completely. It helps you to keep your Mac Clean and free from useless programs. It removes all the related items of any applications and free up disk space from unnecessary files. This boosts your mac performance better and increases the speed of its functionality. It helps you to protect and secure your personal and important data. Its process it very fast and easy so that it can be used by any non-technical person also.

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User Guide to run Mac Uninstaller Tool

Step 1:
Firstly download this tool on your Mac system and then install it.

Start the Mac uninstaller application and browse for Kon-Boot for Windows & MacOSX Yosemite 2.4.0 application which you want to remove completely from your Mac.

Click on “Remove” button and Kon-Boot for Windows & MacOSX Yosemite 2.4.0 application will be uninstalled from Mac with all its related files.

A Mac machine needs to be reformatted with Lion. I backed up the Lion dmg file when I purchased it via the Mac App Store.

I now need to create a bootable USB drive from the DMG file but I need to be able to do it in Windows, preferring open source or at least free options.

How can I do this?

Kon-Boot For Windows & MacOSX Yosemite V2.4.0

3 Answers

Use TransMac, which has a 15-day trial period and works flawlessly.

  1. In the left pane, right click the USB Drive and select Format Disk for Mac

  2. In the left pane, right click the USB Drive and select Restore with Disk Image

  3. Point to your .dmg (or choose All Files to select an .iso) file and click Open.

It will take a few minutes depending on size of .dmg and speed of USB drive, but once done you can pop it into your mac, hold down the option key when turning on the mac and choose the USB drive.

Eric B.Eric B.

TransMac worked for me, but first you need to partition your USB drive with GPT. It will not work if partitioned as MBR. diskpart on Windows can do this:

Kevin SmythKevin Smyth

As far as I know, the only way to properly create a bootable Lion disc/disk is to use Disk Utility on a working Mac. However, the other option is to use a Virtualbox VM to run OS X temporarily (scroll down for that info).

The guide from lifehacker:

  1. Download Lion from the Mac App Store. The installer should show up in your Applications folder. Download drama korea faith subtitle indonesia full episode.

  2. Right-click on the installer and hit 'Show Package Contents'. Navigate to Contents > SharedSupport and look for a file called 'InstallESD.dmg'.

  3. Open up Disk Utility and drag the DMG file into the left-hand sidebar. If you're burning it to a DVD, insert your DVD, select the disk image in the sidebar, and hit the 'Burn' button. Skip down to the last step to use it.

  4. If you want to burn Lion to a USB flash drive, plug it in and click on it in the left-hand sidebar in Disk Utility. Go to the Partition tab and select '1 Partition' from the dropdown menu. Choose 'Mac OS Extended (Journaled) on the left.

  5. Hit the Options button under the partition table and choose 'GUID Partition Table'. You'll need this to make the drive bootable on a Mac. Hit the Apply button when you're done to format your drive (note: it will erase everything on the drive).

  6. Click on the 'Restore' tab, choose the InstallESD.dmg file as the source and your flash drive as the destination. Hit the Apply button and it will create your bootable USB drive.

  7. Reboot into OS X and hold the option key when you hear the startup chime. You can boot into your DVD or flash drive from there.

I know this works with Snow Leopard, but I'm not sure about booting Lion in Virtualbox. My suggestion is:

  1. Acquire a Snow Leopard iso image
  2. Use this guide to convert the Lion dmg into an iso

  3. On Virtualbox click 'New'

  4. Choose OS as Mac OS X and click on 64bit or 32 bit (depending on your system) Snow Leopard
  5. Choose VDI as storage and click next
  6. Click on Dynamically Allocated space
  7. Give 4096 MB of Ram for optimum performance or you can also give 2048
  8. Once finished click on the Virtual OS you just created and click on settings.
  9. Go to storage and click on the disk below the vdi storage.
  10. Click on the empty disk button on the right side of the window.
  11. Choose the .iso file you converted earlier.
  12. Just click ok and start the Virtual OS

protected by CommunitySep 6 '12 at 2:36

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