Gen Plus Gx Channel Installer Wii

Unzip the folder, in it you should find a folder named 'apps'. Move the 'apps' folder to the root of your SD Card. If your Wii is correctly softmodded it should now be able to run the emulator through The Homebrew Channel. Dec 13, 2016 - This is a port of Charles MacDonald's Genesis Plus to the Wii, with a lot of. 1 Information; 2 Installation. You should also load the emulator through the Homebrew Channel. Genesis Plus GX 1.7.5 (xx/xx/xxxx) (Eke-Eke). Disclaimer; The Mods nor anyone who posts in /r/WiiHacks are responsible for your Wii. Do the research yourself and know the risks involved. If you choose to follow advice from this subreddit and damage your system, it's your fault.

  1. Genplus Gx Channel Installer Download
*An SD card (Best results are with non-SDHC cards, SDHC will only workon 4.0 or above) or USB device formatted to FAT(32).
* FCE Ultra GX: Download
* SNES9X GX: Download
* VBA GX: Download
* For other emulators, go to the downloads page on the google code site.
* Setup your GX emulators to play old NES, SNES,GBA or other games.


Computer ----------------------
1. Download the emulator you want and extract the zip file to the root of your SD card/USB Device (let it overwrite/merge stuff if needed). Like that you have the correct folder structure from the beginning.
2. Now get your roms and put them in the roms folder (Which can be found in the folder with the name of the emulator on the SD card)
* If you have any save files, put them in the saves folder (give them the exact same name as the rom it was meant for, but make the extension .sav)
Thats basically it for the setup.

Playing Games

If youdid the setup correctly, the emulator will automatically show all roms that arein the roms folder on the SD card (you can change the default folder in the settings).

To start a rom, simply highlight it and press A. Not that hard, eh?

In-game Menu

Like wiigames, the in-game menu (home menu) can be accessed by pressing the homebutton. This menu will give you 4 options:

  • Save (To save your game at any time)
  • Load: (To load a previous save)
  • Game settings
  • Reset (restart the game)

You canalso see the stats of the batteries here.

Theclose button will resume the game (same for pressing home) and Main menu willexit the game.


The settings can be accessed from the main screen.

Saving and Loading

givesall options related to saving and loading games. You can change you loaddevices (SD/USB/SMB) and paths here.

It isadvised to leave the Auto Save/Load options to SRAM. (If you change it, you will need to save the game manually to the SRAM in the in-game menu after saving in the actual game)


Exitaction: Where to exit to if you press the exit button at the main screen.

For therest, you can change volumes and Rumble (in the menu) here.


Settingsfor playing games over network.

Game Settings

These settings can be accessed from the in-game menu.

Button mapping

As thename says, change the buttons you want to use here.

On thefirst screen, you can choose for what original controller the buttons are.

And onthe next screen, you can choose what controller you use now.


You canchange the scaling (4:3 or 16:9), zoom and filtering here.Download game real football 2013 java 320x240.


Change what/howmany controllers should be emulated.


If youhave cheats for the game in the cheats folder (the cheat file must be name thesame as the game, except for the extension, which should be .cht), you canenable them here.


Real Time Save

Realtime save (sometimes called Save states) gives you the ability to save and loadyour game at any time. This can be used to cheat, or simply to save if you can't find save points.

Usingthis function is quite easy: in your game, press home at the moment you want tosave, and choose save. Thefirst time, you have to create a new snapshot, all following times, you have tochoose your existing snapshot from the previous time to overwrite it (unlessyou want a new snapshot, without losing the old one).

Genplus Gx Channel Installer Download

If youneed to load the save, just use the load function and choose your savedsnapshot.