Shoretel Trunk Test Tool

Posted by2 years ago
  1. Shoretel Trunk Test
  2. Shoretel Vb Trunk Test Tool
  3. Shoretel Trunk Test Tool Admin State Is Null

Shoretel Trunk Test


ShoreTel using HQ phone number when making outside calls from other offices.

Shoretel Vb Trunk Test Tool

I'm wondering if anyone has seen this before. When office A makes an outside call it shows for example (111) 111-1111 on the caller ID. If someone wants to call Office B they dial (222) 222-2222 and the call goes directly to that office, no issue.

Postgresql 9.2 install dblink. StarTrinity SIP Testerâ„¢ (call generator, simulator) - VoIP monitoring and testing tool, VoIP recorder. What sorts of tools does ShoreTel provide for troubleshooting problems. There is also a really handy tool called the Trunk Test Tool which allows you. What sorts of tools does ShoreTel provide for troubleshooting. There is also a really handy tool called the Trunk Test Tool which allows you to.

Shoretel Trunk Test Tool Admin State Is Null


Now, when office B makes a call to an outside number it shows (111) 111-1111 on the called ID. It's using the same number as office A. It needs to be (222) 222-2222 so people can call back if they miss the call. This is happening in multiple offices, using that same number as office A. I called our PRI provider but they said this is controlled from our side. I think they are correct as it's showing the Office A number.

Shoretel trunk test toolTrunk

Office B, C, D, ect. all have a T1K and a SG90 with dedicated PRI service. We do use a VPN for office to office calls.

Office A has a T1K, 2 SG90s and is where the ShoreTel server is located.

Am I missing something in the settings somewhere?

Edit:Site B has a SG30 not SG90

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