Character Builder Download Update


Download 4e character builder updates

Download Dungeons & Dragons 4E Character Builder now from the world's largest gaming download site, FilePlanet! Development Versions. Development versions are early previews of the next release. The development version includes the latest features, but may also contain bugs. Current Development Cycle Release is 6.07.08, released 2018-04-01: 6.07.08 (Windows Installer).

Current version: v1.3.2b4


Visit the CBLoader releases folder to download the most current version.

  1. Click the newest version
  2. Click the RAW button to download the zip


Unzip CBLoader.exe and NativeDebugWrappers.dll, default.cbconfig and Custom into your Character Builder folder. This is C:Program Files (x86)Wizards of the CoastCharacter BuilderCharBuilderFull_p on my machine. Be careful to place it in the CharBuilderFull_p, however if this does not exist, or if you have updated only the Character Builder folder, you may choose to place it there.

Create a shortcut to CBLoader.exe and place it in the start menu/desktop. You should use this shortcut to launch the Character Builder from now on.

Dungeons And Dragons Character Builder Download


Simply run the CBLoader.exe. The first time it is created you will notice 4 new files in the %appdata%cbloader directory. (C:Users[username]AppDataRoamingCBLoader on my machine):

D&d 4e Character Builder Download

  1. combined.dnd40.main: Contains the unencrypted XML that contains all of the data used by Character Builder. This file will be automatically replaced every time the character builder data file is updated. You should not modify this directly, but might reference it often when building custom behavior.
  2. combined.dnd40.part: This is the location where you should place your house rules, it will never be overwritten. Any new rules elements added to this file will be shown in the character builder, in addition, if you create a rules element with the same 'internal-id' element as an element in the combined.dnd40.main file you will replace the default version with your custom version.
  3. combined.dnd40: Contains the final data that is loaded by character builder when it is loaded. You should not modify this file directly.
  4. cbloader.merged: Contains information necessary for tracking .part file changes. This should never be modified.

In addition, you can use as many custom .part files as you like, from multiple sources, by placing them in the Custom folder included in this package. Avenged mp3. For example, if you create a file full of custom rules named jhammcampaigncustomrules.part you could distribute that file to your friends and have them place that file in the Custom directory and cbloader should pick it up and merge it in the next time you load it. .part files in the 'custom' folder follow the same rules as the combined.dnd40.part file. Note that the custom directory is, by default, included in your Character Builder directory, not in %appdata%cbloader.

Hard Patch Mode (not recommended)

Character Builder Download Updates

Alternatively you can run navigate to your character builder folder in cmd.exe and type cbloader.exe -p this will create a 'hard' patch of your character builder, causing it to always use your custom file no matter how it is launched. This can be useful if you are having trouble having your changes show up in regular mode, specifically if the command prompt does not disappear when character builder loads, and you receive an error about a pipeline after you close character builder.


However, please note that you will still need to rerun cbloader.exe each time you make a change to a .part file to get those changes merged in. In general, I do not recommend this mode unless it is absolutely necessary.

Note, also, that you may need to re-run Hard Patch mode with the original D20RulesEngine.dll in place for each new version of CBloader.


the following combined.dnd40.part file would replace magic missile with an identical spell named 'Not Magic Missile'. Note that the internal-id attribute is identical to the internal-id attribute used by magic missile in the .main file.

The following would create a new at will for wizards named 'Overpowered Magic Missile' which does too much damage. Note that I have changed the value of the 'internal-id' attribute.

Note that both of these could be placed in the same file. And that they must be wrapped in a root ' element which should be generated by default when the .part file is created.


If you would like to create some customized content, there is a new little program to help. Part Helper is a program that will create the structure for your content and code most of the xml for you. It makes it simple to create new powers/items/etc. Some of the buttons and other things don't work (it is pre-alpha) but give it a try and see if it will help. I do suggest you read the readme in the zip file before you do anything.