Extract Ps3 Dat File

The archive.dat file format is used to store PS3 Backup data. This feature was added since 1.32.

  1. PS3xport is a utility for manipulating PS3 backup archives. It can create a fully working backup from scratch, as well as extract files from existing backups.
  2. Apart from recovery of data from PS3, this recovery software can effectively restore files from different hard drive as well as external hard drive brands like Toshiba, WD, Seagate, Samsung, etc. On Windows operating systems.

It is especially necessary to decrypt and extract the data and the archive2.dat a backup file. To retrieve the device ID of your console on official firmware, you can use the tool IDPStealer Flatz: [Only registered and activated users can see links.

The PS3 backup/restore system will create archive.dat files on USB media which will contain a backup of your entire HDD.

There are four types of archive.dat files :

archive.datIndex of backed dataThis will contain a list of all files/directories and information about the copy-protected archive
archive_XX.datBacked dataThis will contain the actual backed data
archive2.datIndex of Protected-Content dataThis will contain the index of the copy-protected content of your backup
archive2_XX.datProtected-Content dataThis will contain the copy-protected content

When a backup is created, the PS3 will divide the data to be backed upinto 2 types, generic data and copy-protected data. The copy-protecteddata will usually be your games folder and copy-protected save gamesand the like, so when you restore it on a different PS3, it will showthe error 'The data was backed up from a different PS3 system. Somedata cannot be restored'.

The archive.dat and archive2.dat files are Index files while thearchive_XX.dat and archive2_XX.dat files contain the actual data. Thearchive files are for normal data while the archive2 files are for thecopy-protected data. The archive.dat index file will contain a listingof all the files and folders that the data files contain, as well as afooter containing information about the archive2.dat content.

The file format is divided into 4 items : the DAT header, the Archiveheader, the payload and the Footer :

All files will contain the DAT header followed by the Archive header then the payload. The archive.dat file alone will contain a footer.

  • 3Index files

DAT header[edit]

The DAT header has a fixed size of 0x40 bytes and will appear at thestart of the file. It will never be encrypted.

0x000x04Encryption type0x30 or 0x40Little-Endian value
0x040x04DAT type0x03 or 0x05Little-Endian value
0x080x14File hash..Hash of the encrypted data with HMAC
0x1C0x14Key seed..will be all zeroes if encryption type is 0x30
0x300x10Padding00..00all zeroes
0x40variableData..Encrypted data

The DAT content is always encrypted and requires the use of the keyseed from the header to generate the keys used for the encryption/decryption.The key seed will be a random value if the encryption type is 0x40, orit will be set to zero if the encryption type is 0x30, in which case,the ps3's IDP value will be used as a key seed.

A zeroed out buffer of 64 bytes which contains the key seed at offsetzero is encrypted with a zeroed IV using the VTRM engine to generatethe key/iv/hmac needed for the DAT file processing.

If the IDP is used, then a vtrm encrypt of type 3 is used, otherwise,if the key seed is used, a vtrm encrypt with portability of type 1 isused.

The resulting 64 bytes buffer is then divided into the followingstructure :

0x2C0x14HMAC key

Archive header[edit]

The archive header goes right after the DAT header and will beencrypted of course. It will contain information on the currentarchive file :

0x000x08ID..The unique ID of this archive
0x080x04Index..The index of this file within the archive
0x0C0x01Archive type0x04 or 0x05Determines if copy-protected content or not
0x0D0x01File type0x00 or 0x01It looks like it's set to 0 for data files and set to 1 for index files
0x0E0x02Padding0x0000all zeroes

The ID of the archive is a random value and it must be the same forall the archive files in the backup directory. The index is set to 0for index files and starts from 0 for data files and is incrementedfor each new data file created. The archive type is set to 0x04 whenthe data is copy-protected, but it only seems to be set to 0x04 in theindex file, not in the data files. The file type finally is set to 0for data files and 1 for index files.

Index files[edit]

The index files are the archive.dat and archive2.dat files, theycontain the list of all files and directories within the data files.After the archive header, the list of files appears in the form of ablock of 0x558 bytes, until the EOS file block which starts with a64-bit value of zero. After the list of files, the file will contain a list of directories in the form of blocks of 0x448 bytes until theEOS directory block which starts with a 64-bit value of zero.After the list of directories, if the file is archive.dat (archivetype is 0x05), then a footer is added at the end of the file.

Basically, you can see the file structure as a union between a EOSblock and a File Structure block. The EOS block represents the End OfStream, and starts with a 64-bit value of zero, while file blocksstart with the path to the file which cannot be zero.

File structure[edit]

0x000x520Path..The full absolute path of the file
0x5200x34File stats..File stats as a sysFSStat structure (see lv2/sysfs.h)
0x5540x04Flags0x00 or 0x01The flags are set to 0x01 if the file resides in /dev_flash2

EOS File structure[edit]

0x000x08Zero00.00Must be set to zero to indicate the end of the list
0x080x08Total files..The total number of files that were just listed
0x100x08Total file sizes..The total size of all the

Zee kannada live. files listed

0x180x540Padding00..00All zeroes until the end of the block

Directory structure[edit]

0x000x420Path..The full absolute path of the directory
0x4200x34File stats..Directory stats as a sysFSStat structure (see lv2/sysfs.h)
0x4540x04Flags0x01 or 0x03The flags are set to 0x03 if the directory resides in /dev_flash2 or 0x01 otherwise

EOS Directory structure[edit]

0x000x08Zero00.00Must be set to zero to indicate the end of the list
0x080x08Total directories..The total number of directories that were just listed
0x100x448Padding00..00All zeroes until the end of the block

Archive Index Footer[edit]

Dat file reader
0x000x10PSID..The OpenPSID of the PS3 on which this backup was created
0x100x08Archive2.dat total file sizes..The total file sizes of the copy-protected content (same value as in the EOS file structure of the archive2.dat)
0x180x08Padding00.00All zeroes

Data files[edit]

Data files are sequential files which contain only the DAT header andarchive header, followed by raw data. There is no compression, noseparation between the files, no padding, etc. the files will bepacked one after the other in the same order as they appear in theindex file.

A data file may even end on a non-16 byte boundary, in which case,there still will not be any additional padding and the AES128 CBCalgorithm has to be modified to allow encryption of a stream insteadof 16-byte blocks.

Faith evans rar 1995 world. For the last block of the file to be encrypted, if it has less than 16bytes, then the IV is instead encrypted (so, the previous blockencrypted twice), then xor-ed with the remaining bytes of input.To decrypt, you simply need to decrypt the IV and xor it again withthe first bytes of the ciphertext to get the plaintext back.



  • https://github.com/kakaroto/ps3xport (KaKaRoTo Kind of ´Jailbreak´)
  • http://playstationhax.xyz/forums/topic/1092-release-arctool-and-arcunpack-by-flatz/[1]
Extract Ps3 Dat File

Extract File Download

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Extract Ps3 Dat Files

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